What will worship be like at City of God Ministries?
If you are searching for people who are committed to growing spiritually, worshipping as family, enjoying fellowship, then we are the place for you. There is powerful worship, an inspiring message, and your kids will LEARN so much as they worship with a customized Kid's Worship pack each week! (We worship family style!)
We'd love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors.
We look forward to meeting you this Sunday! God bless.
- Apostles Gary & Myra Bellinger
Charleston, SC
Sundays @ 3PM
4937 Durant Ave.
N. Chas., SC 29405

You Are Welcomed
"A church you can believe in.
A place you can belong."
Your next step on the pathway
to church membership
Being a part of the local church is essential for Christian discipleship. We believe that through worship, discipleship, and service, God's love can be experienced and shared with others. If you're looking for a church where you can grow in your faith, we invite you to join us at COG.
You can join any campus including our Online Campus with just a few clicks.
Connect with online ministry resources including our Welcome Kit & Course.
Enroll in Imparting the Vision, our new members' course to learn more about our church.
Join a ministry serving team and become a servant-leader.
Where are you located?This year we are hosting Resurrection service at both our Concord/Charlotte and Charleston locations. CLT/Concord Campus Information We are located at 9280 Davidson Hwy Concord, NC 28075. Worship begins at 9 AM. CHS Campus Information We are located at 4937 Durant Avenue North Charleston, SC. Worship begins at 3 PM. When you arrive you will see our safety team in reflective vests and a smiling face to welcome you. Just turn on your blinkers so our attendants will know that you are our guest.
What time is service?Our CLT/Concord campus begins worship at 9 AM and in Charleston worship begins at 3 PM. We don't time our services. As long as the Holy Spirit is at work, we remain in worship. Typically services last 1.5-2 hours.
Where do I park?Concord: When you turn into the parking lot you will see our a member of our Safety Team ready to point you in the right direction. If you like, make sure to turn your hazards on when you pull in and we will give you VIP parking for your first visit! (based upon availability). Charleston: When you arrive you will notice parking on the church grounds and additional parking across the street at the elementary school. Choose parking that suits you best and enter the sanctuary using the front doors. An usher will greet you in the foyer and assist you with finding seats for worship.
Why plan a visit?When you plan your visit then you can be assured that we are prepared for you! We will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have, you get VIP Parking, we can introduce you around if you like, help you get your kids pre-registered, and give you a FREE gift for coming. You will be SO GLAD that you planned your visit.
What will a service be like?City of God Ministries is an engaging, dynamic atmosphere geared towards ministering to your entire family. Our ministry is full of life, creativity, love and encouragement. Our worship team is AMAZING and the Word is life-changing. Everyone is encouraged to participate in worship. We worship family-style. Our kids are typically included with us in worship and then dismissed afterwards.
Is there something for my kids?Easter is a special celebration at City of God where we worship "family style" which means that you will worship as a family in our main sanctuary. When prompted, our kids are escorted to our CityKids area for an age appropriate message, activities, and special treat. In CHS, our campus is just getting started so our kids worship with us the entire service. We provide worship packs for kids that are under the age of 10 years old to provide them with spiritually engaging activities during morning messages.
What do I wear?We encourage people to come as they are and dress in what feels most comfortable. That said, you will see everything from traditional church dress to jeans and a button down shirt. We encourage everyone to dress in a way that reminds them that indeed they are at worship. We do ask that you wear clothing that is appropriate for a worship service. Our worship team and key leaders are wearing t-shirts specifically designed for this Resurrection worship experience.
Can you describe your church?We are a Bible-believing and Holy Spirit embracing kinda church. We are not quiet. We make a joyful noise unto God and we are grateful worshippers. We embrace each other as family. We leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead us whether that is in instrumental worship or shouting from the rafters. We love the Word of God and are eager to learn more. We spend time lifting each other in prayer during worship. We never know what someone may be facing and we take advantage of every opportunity to seek God on behalf of others. We are your kinda church!