Get Connected
There's so much life, love, and caring in you and Christian community helps you reach your full potential in Christ. Connecting with the City helps you see what God can do through you. Join a CityGroup or Hangout (our small groups) and connect!

EYC- Extreme Youth In Christ
For Ages 12-17
Join Extreme Youth Church (EYC) every 4th Friday for an exciting time of ministry for middle & high school students. Our staff uses interactive presentations, group interaction, multimedia tools and more to engage students as they learn more about developing a real relationship with God.
City Kids
For Ages 4-11
Join CityKids each week for an exciting time of worship & ministry. Each week we teach kids essential principles for Christian living using interactive media, music, activities and more!

Get "Pumped Up" with Apostle Myra Bellinger and the ladies as we share together in exquisite events just for women. Join us for our next "Premier" event!

L.I.F.T. (Living In Fulfillment Together) Marriage Enrichment is ministry is the perfect If you're looking for a fun, relaxed, get-real group to help nurture your marriage, then L.I.F.T. is for you!
CityGroups are friends who laugh, grow and serve together. They are diverse small groups of like-minded people who gather for a common purpose--study, fellowship & service. One thing for sure: CityGroups are perhaps the best place to form strong relationships with other followers of Christ.

Join Apostle Gary Bellinger and the men of COG for an incredible time of hanging out in a "just men" zone.